Last time I updated? (yeah there anything new goin on you ask?) 10/28/02
I finally got a real Snoopy suitcase. Now when I say "I'll pack my snoopy suitcase and be right over" I can actually do it! Yippeeee!!!!!!!!!!!
Bran looking studious.
11/05/2001 tee hee...the PoeticaL version! 
10/18/01 10/05/01 Remember Poet Smurf? 9/30/01 I have to relieve my mind 9/24/01
I will always rejoice beause I know you Brad dance with me lets be happy..not sad 09/19/01 light a candle in harmony 9/17/01 Something New is CookinG 9/10/01 hear it breath it become it buy it 8/30/01 A rendition of a chow chow on a microprocessor, why is this of interest to me? I work in the Microprocessors distribution industry for a living and have a female chow chow named Nikki. 8/16/01 I can't believe "he" shared something having to do with literature! And it was! So I'm linking it here! Thanks Bry! 08-09-01 I saw this book last night at my local book store. I thought surely it was just for dummies. If so, I am a dummie. There's some excellent stuff in this book. 08/07/01 I've started so many projects in the last few days...but this one I wanted to share. I kept it seperate from this site as of yet to see how well it fairs on it's own.
7-27-01 bLuE jOuLeS CD reLeaSe PaRtY ToNiGhT!!!!! wooHOOOOOOOooooooooo Party!!! ;-) 7-17-01 Two things to say about my tattoo... #1 And if they stare Just let them burn their eyes On you moving. And if they shout Don't let it change a thing That you're doing. - Argent and #2 CarLa I love ya girl...thanks for coming so far to meet me, and thanks for all the years of sharing ink! And getting some lifelong ink with me! That makes it even cooler! love ya, KristY 7-5-2001 Did it mean nothng Was it all in vain Was I just your fool Or was the pleasure pain Have you set me free Or will I wake up In the morning And find out it's been a bad dream --Rolling Stones
A little piece of paper with a picture drawn Floats on down the street till the wind is gone The memory now is like the picture was then When the paper's crumpled up it can't be perfect again -----lincoln park 6-27-01 JuSt waNNa thaNk somEoNe ouT thErE foR theIr phOnE caLL wHiLsT driVinG....waS grEaT tO heAr frOm yoU !
6-20-01 PoeticaL's packing her SnooPy suitcaSe to go to marZ anD yoU cAn Go 2! Click BeloW! 7/14/2001 I finally did it! I got a tattoo on my lower back. I got this symbol which means "Poem and/or Poetry" in Chinese. It's all black and looks identical to this picture. I'm very pleased with it. (it's about an inch and a quarter big)