PoeTrY BooKs 1 The Lords, and the New Creatures, Poems by Jim Morrison (I really dont care for The Doors music much, just the mainstream stuff which is a cop out, but its just not my thing. I do however think that Jims a poetic genius.) 2 What Matters Most Is How Well You Walk Through the Fire by Charles Bukowski (this guy simply rocks) 3 Eye Scream by Henry Rollins (he writes things that most people think and fear being judged to speak) 4 Riot in the Charm Factory by Todd Colby (I dig this guys stuff, but I think his creativity in heading projects in the poetry world are far more superior to his writing skills) 5 Shake Loose My Skin by Sonia Sanchez (This sistas got it goin on. Poem #3 rocks my world) 6 Verses That Hurt : Pleasure and Pain from the Poemfone Poets by Jordan Trachtenberg (Editor), Amy Trachtenberg (Contributor), Christian Lantry (Photographer), Nicole Blackman (Contributor) (absolutely a fine example of how I want mainstream to see poetry) 7 The Portable Beat Reader by Ann Charters (Editor) (this book should be read by anyone that considers themselves to be creative, just to not be out of the swim of the sea of poetry) 8 The Outlaw Bible of American Poetry by Alan Kaufman (Editor) (this book is a poetry BIBLE without doubt. Theres a picture of a guy with the word POEM tattooed on the inside of his lip that was the main prompting to my soul to just get the damn tattoo and be me) 9 The Rose That Grew from Concrete by Tupac Shakur (hate the music, love the wordage) 10 Poetry of Robert Frost : The Collected Poems, Complete and Unabridged by Robert Frost (this man rules as far as Im concerned. Nothing Gold Can Stay changed my life. And who wouldnt want to be a Swinger of Branches? 11 Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson by Emily Dickinson (I bought this just because I didnt want to be anything like Emily. I dont write flowery poetry. I despise it mostly. I also hate flowery poetry websites with a passion and only have sunflowers on my site because the logo was designed by my bestest bud in life and sunflowers rule the weed world) 12 The Air Lost in Breathing by Simone Muench (Shes amazing. I envy her talent. This book made me cry at the beauty of her thoughts.) 13 Poemcrazy : Freeing Your Life With Words by Susan Goldsmith Wooldridge (How can I not buy a book that is titled with the disease I am afflicted by? Its a great book. It would be better for someone that says they cant write a thing.) 14 In the Palm of Your Hand:The Poet's Portable Workshop by Steve Kowit (This is a really amazing little book for anyone to work through. Even if you think that you write worth nothing, this will change how you see creativity.) 15 Slam (Alloy Books) by Cecily Von Ziegesar (Editor) (a colorful little book thats like bubblegum for the soul. Its a perfect gift for someone that doesnt think they like poetry. 'Young Adult' book of classic poems juxtaposed with song lyrics, quotes, and writing tips from 'stars'; slam poems from teen poets; contributes to the ethos of slam poet as rock star.) 16 Aloud : Voices from the Nuyorican Poets' Cafe by Miguel Algarin (On my bedside table, dogeared, loved, needed) 17 Loba (Penguin Poets) by Diane Di Prima, (breathtaking writing style) 18 Blood Sugar by Nicole Blackman (an poetical orgasm in print and Im not a lesbian!) 19 Poetry Nation : The North American Anthology of Fusion Poetry by Regie Cabico, Todd Swift, Bob Holman (more Nicole Blackman..) 20 Burning Down the House : Selected Poems from the Nuyorican Poets Cafe's National Poetry Slam Champions by Roger Bonair-Agard, Stephen Colman, Guy LeCharles Gonzalez, Alix Olson, Lynne Procope (I would highly recommended this to any fan of spoken word and poetry slams.) 21 Revival : Spoken Word from Lollapalooza 94 by Juliette Torrez (Editor), Liz Belile (Editor), Mud Baron (Editor), j Joseph (Contributor), Nicole Blackman (more Nicole!!!) 22 The Rape Poems by Frances Driscoll (this book rips at my soul.) 23 American Dreams by Sapphire (sexism, racism, poetryism) 24 In Our Own Words: Generation X Poetry by Marlow Weaver (Editor) (I love these collections) 25 Run With the Hunted : A Charles Bukowski Reader by Charles Bukowski, John Martin (Editor), Charles Bukowkski (the first Bukowski book I ever bought, its dogeared and Im in love) 26 The Love of Clothes and Nakedness by Karen Alkalay-Gut (wow!) 27 The Beauty of the Husband : A Fictional Essay in 29 Tangos by Anne Carson (I absolutely am in awe)
BooKs 1 The Power of One by Bryce Courtenay (I bought this book, I know its an awesome book. But I have only read ten pages and feel completely daunted by the task at hand.) 2 Cunt : A Declaration of Independence by Inga Muscio (Lets be proud of who we are.I am not a feminist screaming lesbian, but this book should be read by all females and all males that want to understand them) 3 Survivor : A Novel by Chuck Palahniuk (any book that you have to read in reversethis is just amazing) 4 Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk (I saw the movie and thought it was cool, was a little lost on the theory, read the book and read it again and again and I buy it for men that say they dont readThis will make anyone read an entire book) 5 On the Road by Jack Kerouac (goes without saying. If Jack could come back Id have coffee with him and then Id share a shot of Daniels just so I could write that poem I swallowed Jack when he came back) 6 Fake Liar Cheat by Tod Goldberg (this book was literally like watching a movie in my head. It is amazing and a quick little read. Makes for a great rainy Sunday afternoon) 7 The Fuck-Up by Arthur Nersesian (strange and intriguing) 8 Harold and the Purple Crayon by Crockett Johnson (every man women and child in the world should have seen this book passed through their hands, its simple and has an amazing message if your in tune) 9 The Little House by Virginia Lee Burton (I had this book as a child, I bought it for my son when he was still a baby. I got the notion of having a happy house on a hill of my very own one day. I want a house that smiles.) 10 The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning (This book changed my views on Christianity. Jesus hung out with a whore, with the dregs of society. This book made me feel like he really might actually love me with all my faults.) 11 Bliss by Peter Carey (Someone bought me this book. Hes long gone. The book lives on. Its one of the first more serious books that I tackled at age 14.) 12 Waking the Dead by Scott Spencer (Amazing love story without the fluff and silly flowers and candy shit. Good movie as well, but the book is so much more) 13 The End of the Affair by Graham Greene (Saw the movie first, wish I had read the book first. The power of making a deal with God is so well done here) 14 The Brave Little Tailor by Olga Dugin, Andrej Dugin, Olga Dugina (all childrens books should be this layered and the illustrations took more than 6 years to finish!) 15 Already Dead : A California Gothic by Denis Johnson (things that make you go damn that was a fucking good book) 16 The Foot Book by Dr. Seuss, (My sons favorite book. Its poetic and fast and fun and just how the hell did Suess write so deep about a simple thing like feet?) 17 The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton (Teenage angst without the bullshit. Where I first read Nothing Gold Can Stay by Robert Frost and never stopped reading poetry.) 18 Tiger Eyes by Judy Blume (First book I ever read that was so real for someone my age, 13 at the time) 19 Smack by Melvin Burgess (This is a cool young adult genre book.) 20 Trainspotting by Irvine Welsh (hard for me to get through, but when I did I felt changed) 21 About a Boy by Nick Hornby (this book is so sweetly told without the sugar causing cavities. Nick Hornby is one of my all time favorite authors and I hope he writes tons more like this) 22 Emperors New Clothes by H.C. Andersen (Aint nothing as cool as a fat ass dude walking the streets naked thinking hes allllll that.) 23 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll (Oh..to be Alicefor even a day) 24 A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius by Dave Eggers (Currently reading this book, but this guys not so much of a genius, more of an individual that I already admire after 20 pages) 25 Darkness Visible : A Memoir of Madness by William Styron (I have a friend that is bipolarthis book helped me to relate and be a better friend) 26 The Saskiad by Brian Hall (A modern day wonderamaland about being jubilantly different) 27 The Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff (Just a cool little book. Period.) 28 The Foreigner by Meg Castaldo (quick little fun read)
MuSic CD's Keep in mind I tend to steer towards the excellent lyricists of this world, but I insist on the music being good too.
1. Paul Westerberg Suiccaine Gratification (Im forever on my knees « Im not worthy ! » 2. The Replacements Dont Tell a Soul (Achin to Be would be the theme song to the movie Kristy) 3 Dramarama Cinema Vertite (Anything, Anything.and nothing can be better) 4 Elliot Smith Either/Or (you have to grow a liking for him, but once you do look out! Great lyricist!) 5 Dave Matthews Band (hes the king of the castle, hes the dirty rascal) All of his stuff rules, but Live at Luther College is like being at a concert if you Just close your eyes and lay down on your bed and go there) 6 Pete Yorn musicforthemorningafter (this guy is too unknown and too underrated and I was aghast to see his CD on sale at Borders this past weekend for $10.99so worth their normal exuberant prices not a sale!) 7 Richard Ashcroft Alone with Everybody (former front man from Verve, something about his voice*kristy fans herself* 8 Lloyd Cole Negatives (this is Paul Westerbergs pretend twin, but with his own sound, but wow there are moments I wonder if he is Paulalmost) 9 Third Eye Blind every single song! 10 Blue Joules Yearbook (this a total given as to why I have this one on the list!) 11 Matchbox 20 that song Push is the best (both CDs are the best if you can get past the popularity of them and the repetitive air play) 12 Radiohead Bends (this is the CD I listen to when I cant take life anymore) 13 Underworld Underneath the Radar (first intro into anything remotely techno and it remains a favorite) 14 Ryan Adams Heartbreaker (of Whiskeytown fame Ryan has the sexiest voice!) 15 One Way Ride Straight Up (lead singer Leldon has a powerful voice that you will never forget, great lyrics) 16 Golden Palominoes Dead Inside (the lyrics to Victimwow..I read them on the Net and thats why I bought it and I cant stop..now Im addicted) 17 Billy Bragg, Wilco Mermaid Avenue (an old coworker played this at a house party and I had to go ask what it was, and I was the proud owner of said CD that same day. Beautiful lyrics, beautiful music. Billy Bragg, a moment of silence please 18 Nog Pon Jami (this band rules and never made it and is in the band that never succeeded cemetary, but I worship the gravesite daily with tears, if you want to cry with me, let me know and Ill tell you where to grieve) 19 Sponge Rotting Pinata (someone online raved and raved about Sponge 20 Ani DiFranco Up Up Up Up (this chick..well one day I like her stuff..the next day I cant tolerate it and I never can make up my mind if I like her or hate or but I still listen.its a mystery to me) The rest of the CDs on the list are the 20 in my little leather carry along thingeymajig I have in my backpack. 21 Dave Matthews Band The Lillywhite Sessions (an online pal kyped this from online and mailed it to me and its much better than the released Everyday CD) 22 Whiskeytown Pneumonia (this is Ryan Adams, previously mentioned and this is country/alternative and just cool cool vibage to the sound) 23. Pete Yorn Musicforthemonringafter above mentioned mentioned again..buy this CD 24. Train Drops of Jupiter (I bought this because the lyrics to Drops song are amazingly amazing) 25. Dave Matthews Band Everyday (the space between song makes my nipples hard) 26. Lifehouse No Name Face (pop rock at its finest, lyrics A+ and though I hate to admit it I cant get enough of that song Hanging by a Moment and damn dont they play it enough?) 27. Lloyd Cole - the negatives ..said it already 28. Toad the Wet Sprocket Fear (also mentioned) 29 Vertical Horizon Everything She Wants (yes I do like that rock pop shit dont I?) 30 Pearl Jam Ten (who doesnt own this cd?) 30 Radiohead Pablo Honey (Creepgotta have that song at all times) 31 Sponge Rotting Pinata (track 7 track 7 I say!!!!) 32 NIN Downward Spiral (for those moments when you want to fuck like an animal) 33 The Center of the World (a movie soundtrack that is loaded with sex music) 34 Candlebox (who doesnt know that Far Behind??? now maybe I didnt mean to treat you bad but I did it anyway 35 Incubus Make Yourself (just an overall good CD from track 1 thru..) 36 Red Hot Chilli Peppers Californication (now that I see this CD in thereI gotta change that one out..) 37. Eliot Smith Either/Or (already mentioned) 38. Matchbox 20 Mad Season (Bent rules) 39. Blue Joules (track 3 Pop a Pill is the god of all songsteehee..) 40. Eve 6 - Horoscope (Heres to the NightI love that songare you the now or never kind? or I wanna ditch the logical..two sweet lines)
SongS The Replacements Valentine, Achin to Be, Paul Westerberg Sunrise Always Listens, Love Untold, Once Around the Weekendoh fuck it.all of em! Yellow Coldplay Dust Brothers This is Your Life Brian Eno & John Cale Wrong Way Up Radiohead Creep Fuel Had a Bad Day Iris Goo Goo Dolls Modern English Melt With You Incubus I miss you Toad the Wet Sprocket I will not take these things for granted Lifehouse Hanging by a Moment Train Drops of Jupiter One Way Ride Beautiful Blue Billy Bragg, Wilco California Stars The Hazies Skin and Bones Prince When Doves Cry NIN Closer Pete Yorn EZ Edwin MCCain I could not ask for more Depeche Mode Somebody Dave Matthews Crush Me Joshua Kadison Beautiful in my Eyes The Golden Palominoes Victim |  |