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PoeticaL MusingS
BluE jOuLeS

"can you become a part of me an ride across the galaxy"




Blue Joules has entered MP3.com land! Go check em out....


-Check out the PUBLICITYYYYYYYYY on INK19-


"I still had the chorus of the song, "Pop A Pill," bouncing around in my head a good four days after this show."

-Lee Ann Leach, Ink19

~Pop A Pill~

final lyrics

Let's go do it on a Ferris wheel, a carousel
Let me love you so well, and we'll pop a pill
Make the tears roll down my face
Create a memory picture you can't erase
And we'll pop a pill

Can you become a part me
and ride across the galaxy

When the rain is pouring down your life
and it's cold inside
Me and you can take this evil world
and make it look so bright
Take a coaster on a track so far
that never it would never come back
cause me and you can take this evil world
and we'll pop a pill

Can you become a part of me
and ride across the galaxy

Pop a pill and we'll pop a pill
Pop a pill of innocence
Make believe and we'll make believe
Make believe that it's all so real
We'll build a wall out of brick and stone
and house within it how we feel

Pop a pill and we'll pop a pill
Pop a pill of innocence

Can you become a part of me
Can you become a part of me
And ride across the

Pop a pill and we'll pop a pill
Pop a pill of innocence
Make believe and we'll make believe
Make believe that it's all so real
We'll build a wall out of brick and stone
and house within it how we feel

Pop a pill and we'll pop a pill
Pop a pill of innocence

Lyrics by Kristy Webb 2000

All songs copyright 2001. Written and arranged by Blue Joules. Any copying of this material without permission is not admissible by law.

~Pop A Pill~

-original poem as posted on scroll.org April 24, 2000 at 19:12:25-

Lets go do it on a Ferris wheel, a carousel........let me love you so well
Make the tears roll down my face I'll make a memory picture you can't erase
Can you become a part of me, a ride across all the galaxies?
Do you know what it is to blissfully fuck away lifes harsh realities?

Pop a pill pop a pill of ignorance and make believe its all-real
Build a wall of brick and stone and house within it how you feel

When rain is pouring down your life and dampness cold inside
Then put another quarter in and well take another ride
Pick a coaster on a track that goes so far it wont come back
Fill me with everything you have and everything you think I lack

Wrap your legs around my heart so loose and yet so tight
Me and you can take the evil world and make it all look so bright

Pop a pill Pop a pill of ignorance and make believe its all-real
Build a wall of brick and stone and house within it how you feel

Kristy L. Webb

The "PoP a PiLL" StorY
(a memory picture I can't erase)

I think, no I know that every writer has a drawer full of scribing somewhere. A drawer we intend to organize and yet somehow we never get to it. We write and write and write and we keep shoving some of the most wonderful things we ever write right into the drawer.

I did that for years. I wrote for me and for no one else. I still do that to some extent, but now I write to please me and I share with other eyes. On my very first attempt to share with another human other than family something that I penned, it was accepted with a smile from my friend Jamie. He said Do you mind if I show this to my band? Mind? How could any writer mind someone wanting to share their work with other talented people?

To make a short story long the band liked it. Liked it enough to write a really kick aSS song around it. The first time (which was too long in the coming) that I saw them play live it gave me chills to hear my words used in such an amazing way. Even more so, when I saw the crowd singing my words I got a high that no pill I have ever popped or could ever pop will ever come close to.

I'd like to thank Rob for his great vocals on my song, Rich for the backbeat, it was great to finally meet you Don. And a special thank you gets shouted out to my friend Jamie for reading a pretty basic little poem and seeing something beyond my written word.

Please Support BluE jOuLeS by buying a copy of my song "PoP a PiLL" on their brand spanking new CD titled Yearbook. I promise you a "ride across all galaxies"!

Order the CD! Enjoy the ride...

The Coolest Band cruising the Tampa Bay Scene!!!


Check the guys out at their own site thru the above picture!!


You guys rock...


football will never be
the same game again!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Click below for the link  to the song!!!

©opywrited Blue Joules 2002 

you guys rule in my notebook!

Major thanks to the guys of Blue Joules for giving me a large does of writing confidence.