No one will ever know. It's much better to hide these culinary errors than it is to let someone see it. They'll taste everything
you ever make in the future with trepidation and the obligatory "remember that horrible....
Tip 2:
If it doesn't taste good claim it was take out.
It's always good to keep some take out menus stuck to your refrigerator to back up this lie. Dial a Meal will take the blame
anyday. Who's going to call and check? The only problem with this tip is you better also have some styrofoam boxes
smashed in the garbage. You never know when someone's going to get suspicious.
Tip 3:
Practice his favorites on people you don't value.
It's much better to dissapoint your everyday pals than it is to claim you can cook only to destroy your reputation when the
souffle falls or the grilled cheese gets a little too Burnt. (refer to Tip 1 quick!) Some guys live
on grilled cheese. Far be it for me to mess up a good thing. So....
Tip 4:
Ask his Mom how she does it!
You don't have to agree. Hell you don't even have to eat it. But if you cut that peanut butter sandwich the way that Mom
did. Or pick the seeds out of his watermelon the way Mom did might just win points. He'll forget about the missing
side dish. (refer to Tip 1)
Tip 5:
Do NOT cook every single day of the week!
Those butterscotch cookies will no longer have the desired effect if they are plentiful all the time. Those cookies are powerful....use
your power wisely!
Tip 6:
Cook in the Nude
Trust me he won't care what your cooking as long as your hot. (A french maids uniform can be substituted for those shy cooks
out there!)